Hi Katja,

I was trying to figure out where that comes from. Maybe this is the key:

This page is telling me that libuhd-dev recommends gnuradio-dev (not that
it depends on it). Maybe your script is also working on recommended
dependencies? Have you tried --no-install-recommends (in step 4)?


On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 5:42 PM Schütz, Katja <
katja.schu...@iis.fraunhofer.de> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I’m building packages for internal use:  GnuRadio 3.8.5 and UHD
> and noticed that each seems to have the other as dependency. Is this
> correct? How to deal with that? Build and install them alternating?
> Background: We have a fairly complicated flowgraph which we don’t want to
> convert to GnuRadio3.9. On the other hand we enjoy and use features and bug
> fixed from UHD Our server runs Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) and that won’t
> change soon. Until now we used a script to download both, GnuRadio and UHD,
> as archives and build them directly on the machine. The package is meant to
> save time when installing a new server and guarantee the specific versions.
> Also we could then directly work on the code.
> What I did:
> 1.       Download sources with apt. For UHD I used the jammy repo as
> focal only provides 3.15
> 2.       Install UHD build dependencies (sudo apt-get build-dep) for uhd
> 3.       Build UHD package (dpkg-buildpackage –b)
> 4.       Try to install:
> a.       libuhd4.1.0 installs fine including dependencies
> b.       libuhd-dev_4.1.0.5 depends on gnuradio, gnuradio-dev and several
> libgnuradio packages
> 5.       Try to install gnuradio build dependencies
> -> build depends on libuhd-dev
> Does this really mean to install libuhd-dev I need to install gnuradio,
> but to build gnuadio (with UHD support) I need to install libuhd-dev?
> Again my question: Where do I even start? Is this intended?
> Thanks for looking into this!
> Best Regards,
> Katja

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