Hello everyone and hello Johannes,

first of all, a huge thanks for the quick and detailed response, it is really helpful. After implementing your suggested changes and additional tinkering, I am still facing two issues:

The `forecast` method expects estimates. The scheduler will call
`general_work` anyways at some point, if the system is unable to fulfill
your forecast requirement. `set_output_multiple` is much more strict.
In your case I'd start with:
`ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items`

I've changed the `forecast`method accordingly, however I still get the same errors. If I use
`ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items`
then I receive:
`TypeError: 'int' object does not support item assignment`
I've checked the type and value of `ninput_items_required` and sure enough, it is of `<class 'int'>` and has a value of `1`.

My next thought was that it may not be a <class 'list'>, since I only have one input port, so I also tried:
`ninput_items_required = noutput_items`
This yields me with:
`Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (compile in debug mode for details)`

For now and since it isn't strictly necessary, I've commented the `forecast` method.

At the end of `general_work` report these values to the system:
- consumed items via `consume_each`
- produced items via `return integer_with_number_of_consumed_items`.

I have changed my code accordingly. My `general_work` function now looks like this:

def general_work(self, input_items, output_items):
    # Firstly check, if input_items has a sufficient amount of items
    if len(input_items[0]) >= self.buffer_len:
        # Then consume exactly self.buffer_len items
        # Now only output a fraction of the input items, say the first self.out_items, on output port[0]
        output_items[0]  = input_items[0][:self.out_items]

        # if we do not have enough input_items, set empty output
        output_items[0] = []

    # finally, return len(output_items[0]), which is either equal to `out_items` or `0`
    return len(output_items[0])

It runs and I did some tests. I have created a signal of length 1024, which is composed of a random sequence with length 312 and a cosine signal with a length of 712 both muxed together. Next follows the python block and the signal is compared before and after by using time sinks.
Screenshot of the flowgraph:

I would expect that I should only observe the random sequence (first 312 samples) in the `processed signal` time sink. However the time sink only shows zeros, which is probably due to a coding error. In order to investigate, I took a look at the content of `output_items[0]` and also at the length. The length is 312, which seems fine, since I specified it with `self.out_items`. The contents also seem fine, it is definitely not zero and matches the content of `input_items[0]`.

Since everything "seems" fine, I am not sure on how I could debug this further. My complete code, including the Debug statements, can be found here:

Thanks for taking your time and looking into this!
Kind regards,

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