is now available:
and you can see the current changelog here:
The plan is to make a final release mid-January, so this may involve one
more RC if there are any more major issues to sort out.

Have a great weekend!


On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 10:29 AM Josh Morman <jmor...@gnuradio.org> wrote:

> Greetings GNU Radio Community!
> Release 3.10 is expected to drop sometime in the new year, but to get the
> ball rolling with testing and packaging - we are expecting a longer than
> usual Release Candidate cycle, and likely there will be *at least* one
> more RC, so here is v3.10.0.0-rc1
> <https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/releases/tag/v3.10.0.0-rc1>
> We have been fortunate this year to have extremely active backporting and
> consistent maintenance releases from co-maintainter Jeff Long - so many of
> the fixes and smaller feature (and larger ones) have already seen the light
> of day in the 3.9.x.x and even 3.8.x.x releases.  Here are some of the
> bigger features that are bringing about this major release.
> *gr-pdu*
> PDUs (protocol data units) in GNU Radio are a special type of PMT that
> have a dictionary and a uniform vector type representing a burst of data
> with some metadata.  Up to this point, support of pdus has been scattered
> throughout the codebase with minimal support for handling this type of data
> consistently.  Fortunately, Jacob Gilbert has been able to upstream much of
> the amazing work from himself and the team at Sandia National Labs which
> brings in-tree a suite of tools for manipulating these data objects (see
> https://github.com/sandialabs/gr-pdu_utils).  Also, many of the previous
> PDU processing blocks that existed in other in-tree modules have been
> migrated to this module, so there has been some block re-arrangement.
> Please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT60hVVte48 for more detailed
> information
> *gr-iio*
> IIO is the industrial I/O framework that provides an industry standard
> method for communicating with a wide-range of devices including many of the
> ADI SDR platforms.  Analog Devices has supported out of tree a gr-iio
> module that brings this capability into GNU Radio and now upstreamed this
> module so support for devices like the PlutoSDR are available out of the
> box.  Special thanks here to Adam Horden, Travis Collins, Dave Winter,
> Volker Shroer, and Jeff Long for bringing this in-tree and working through
> many of the complexities.
> Please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gKbollW6wg for a more
> technical description of IIO and gr-iio.
> *Custom Buffers Support*
> NOTE: this is an advanced "experimental" feature that if not actively
> employed will not affect normal GNU Radio usage.
> David Sorber from Black Lynx has introduced a feature that enables
> streamlined data movement between GNU Radio blocks and hardware
> accelerators.  By creating a "custom buffer" class (or using one that is
> provided by someone else), blocks can be made to abstract the data movement
> behind the scenes so that when the `work` function is reached, data already
> exists in the device memory.
> Let me give a quick example - previously if you wanted to write a GPU
> accelerated block with CUDA, you would have to get into the work function,
> move the data from the GNU Radio circular buffers to GPU device memory,
> execute the CUDA kernels, then move the data back to GR buffers.  Now that
> data movement is done behind the scenes if the block is set up right so
> that when the work function is hit, the data is in GPU device memory and
> will get transferred back to CPU memory behind the scenes as well.  This
> allows back to back HW accelerated blocks to not have to ingress/egress in
> and out of GR memory unnecessarily.  Also, the single mapped buffer
> abstraction brings huge performance benefits as can be seen here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO1zMXowezg for a much better description
>  For examples of this in action, please see the following repositories:
> https://github.com/BlackLynx-Inc/gr-cuda_buffer
> https://github.com/BlackLynx-Inc/gr-blnxngsched
> This out of tree support will soon find its way into the gnuradio github
> repo as a set of CUDA buffers and blocks.
> *Logging Infrastructure*
> Log4CPP has previously been our logging backend library, but has become a
> troublesome dependency.  A huge thanks to Marcus Müller for fixing all of
> this up, replacing Log4CPP with spdlog - a more modern logging library.
> This also opens up the door for more modern logging statements that don't
> rely on Boost.format, and libfmt (which is now also a dependency) can be
> used for general string manipulation as well.  All the previous methods and
> macros still exist (except for the log4cpp specific ones), but there is now
> new capability to log in a more convenient way using the libfmt statements.
> Old: GR_LOG_INFO(this->d_logger, boost::format("this happened: %d") %
> code)
> New: this->d_logger->info("this happened {:d}", code)
> As always, please reach out here or on chat.gnuradio.org if you have any
> questions - and file GitHub issues if you find bugs or problems with the
> release.  The step from 3.9 should be pretty minimal, but if you are
> migrating your OOTs - please update the porting guide if you come across
> differences that need to be documented:
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/GNU_Radio_3.10_OOT_Module_Porting_Guide
> Have a happy Holiday season and much thanks to all who have contributed
> toward this next major release.
> Josh

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