Thank Alex for your answer,

For the second question, I will not design a pulse doppler radar with a
linear FM pulse. But I wonder that I could generate an LFM signal (to
measure another RF device at 1GHz) using Ettus B200?

Due to the limit of the hardware capabilities, I think I can only generate
an LFM with a maximum ~ 56 MHz sweep bandwidth (if possible).

My approach is the modification of the source code of the FMCW block using
OutOfTreeModules with gr_modtool,

In which I will add the deadtime at the end of each FMCW pulse but I think
I will not trade with my time to do this problem because I have already
another solution :D

Again, I appreciate your help and time in advance

Vào Th 5, 8 thg 7, 2021 vào lúc 16:16 Alex Batts <>
đã viết:

> Hello,
> It has been a while since I used the FMCW block in the Radar toolbox, but
> from what I can remember, the three samples sections are defining the
> percentage of the signal you want distributed in each of those sections.
> For example, if you want 50% of your signal to be CW, and 50% to be
> up-chirp, put an equal number of samples in the Samples CW and Samples
> up-chirp sections. The number of samples combined with your sample rate and
> frequency sweep will determine the slope of the fm chirp.
> There is also a VCO block I'm pretty sure that you can use for more
> customizable fmcw radar.
> For your second question, why do you want to add a dead time? My guess
> would be because you are trying to do pulse doppler of some sort, but if
> not please explain because I would definitely be interested in knowing what
> you are attempting to do! If you are trying to do a pulse doppler radar
> with a linear fm pulse compression, unfortunately, there isn't much
> functionality within GNU Radio for that kind of thing, and SDRs aren't
> great for pulse doppler right now. In a few years' time they will, but most
> affordable SDRs just don't have the hardware capabilities necessary. FMCW
> is the way to go for SDRs because of low peak power needed and because
> timing is not as necessary for range disambiguation, which is nice because
> of the low sample rates of most SDRs.
> I am not sure you can implement a dead-time within the FMCW signal
> generator block, and am not sure that gr-radar has that capability.
> However, if you still want to implement a dead-time, you could write a
> custom block (GNU Radio has extensive tutorials on how to do this, and only
> requires basic knowledge of yaml and c++). I would do something like,
> generate a sine wave, and while the sine wave is above a certain threshold,
> send the fmcw signal through, else, send a constant 0 through. You would
> have to play around with the threshold to get the proper duty cycle and
> play around with the frequency of the sine wave to make sure you are
> staying in sync with the signal generator, but that is one idea on how I
> would do it off the top of my head.
> Can you give me more information on the project and/or what your goals
> are? It would help me give more specific advice as opposed to shooting
> blindly.
> Thank you,
> Alex
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 5:44 AM Pham Van Dung <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I want to make an FMCW signal generation with GNU Radar toolbox and Ettus
>> B200
>> I saw that you have several examples in
>>, but
>> I do not understand the following parameters of the FMCW block
>> - Samples CW
>> - Samples up-chirp
>> - Samples down-chirp
>> - Frequency CW
>> Second question, if I want to modify the block (I want to add dead-time
>> at each pulse of FMCW), How can I do it?
>> I appreciate your help and time


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