Hello GNU Radio community,

On behalf on everyone at NI/Ettus Research, I am very proud to announce the
release of UHD 4.1, the latest version of the USRP Hardware Driver! As my
colleague Haydn Nelson posted to the list earlier in the week, UHD 4.1
offers support for the newest member of the USRP family, the NI Ettus USRP
X410. This new generation of USRP provides the highest performance of any
USRP to date, sporting 4x4 TX/RX channels, 400 MHz instantaneous bandwidth
per channel, and a tunable range from 1 MHz to 7.2 GHz, to name just a few
of its best-in-class features. Check out the Ettus Research website[1] to
learn more about the X410. Beyond support for the X410, however, UHD 4.1
also provides numerous bug fixes and stability improvements benefitting the
entire stable of USRP devices. See the changelog associated with the
v4.1.0.0 tag[2] for a more comprehensive list of changes.

While we strive to ensure the highest quality of UHD releases, it is
possible that some gremlins may have found their way into the process. We
appreciate your patience and understanding as we shake out any remaining
bugs. If you encounter problems, please let us know by filing a issue
against UHD on the GitHub repo[3] or by posting to the USRP-users mailing
list so that we can get it resolved.

Finally, we hope to see you in person or virtually at GNU Radio Conference
2021[4], taking place 20-24 September 2021.

With best regards,
Aaron Rossetto

[2] https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/releases/tag/v4.1.0.0
[3] https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/issues/
[4] https://events.gnuradio.org/event/8/

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