Dear lists,

the Software Defined Radio Academy 2021 is going to take place next
weekend, in one week's time, on Saturday June 26 and Sunday June 27. 

I'd also like to take the opportunity to point your attention to the
European GnURadio Days which start slightly before, and overlap with
the SDRA in form of a common programme. 

The SDRA is also part of the virtual HAMRADIO World that takes place as
a subtitute to Europe's greatest HAM event in Friedrichshafen, but
comes as a virtual fair. 

So for all radio amateurs among you, please check here (most is in

But be sure to check the programme of the Software Defined Radio
Academy 2021 here (all in English):

And we'd like to welcome next week you on the SDRA's Youtube channel,
where you can participate and follow our live stream:

See you next week!

BR / vy73

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