Well, I add my report to github.

Hopefully I explained my way to show the error correctly.


Am 02.05.2021 um 16:18 schrieb Tom Breyer:

Hi Jeff,

since I had non GitHub-Account up to now I created one, described that
issue, and now we will see...

Thank you for now.

When I receive a solution I will reply here.

73, Tom

On 01.05.21 22:28, Jeff Long wrote:
Also, if you can describe the message flow in a little more detail,
it would help. Is something sending a message to the number control,
is the number control sending a message to something else, or both?
If you are generating the message, make sure it is a double instead
of a float. The number control is definitely generating a float,
which can be shown to be wrong (same result as you reported):

>>> import pmt
>>> pmt.to_double(pmt.from_float(138001000))

On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 4:17 PM Jeff Long <willco...@gmail.com
<mailto:willco...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This is a buggy use of pmt.from_float() and/or pmt.to_float() in
    digitalnumbercontrol.py. Please submit an issue to
    <https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues> and it will get fixed.

    On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 3:58 PM Marcus D. Leech
    <patchvonbr...@gmail.com <mailto:patchvonbr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On 05/01/2021 10:37 AM, Tom Breyer wrote:
        > Dear team,
        > when I use "QT GUI Digital Number Control" to display a
        frequency I see
        > some "special effects".
        > Below 128MHz, it works fine but above I get wrong display data:
        > ok:
        > Input 128.001.000Hz -> Display = 128.001.000
        > not ok:
        > Input 138.001.000Hz -> Display = 138.000.992
        > Input 137.999.000Hz -> Display = 137.999.008
        > I simulate that input by using Gpredict via tcp port 4532
        but found
        > debug messages ok.
        > Does that depend on the QT GUI Digital Number Control and
        the way it
        > converts numerical data types, since (128 = 2⁷)?
        > Can I adjust that module by my own?
        > 73, Tom, DJ6TB
        That's almost certainly an artifact of the machine
        representation of
        single-precision floating-point

        I'm not that familiar with the message infrastructure and
        whether it can
        carry double-precision values or not.
           [The sample streams within Gnu Radio are almost always
        single-precision floats, because;

        A: Computations in single-precision are considerably faster than
        B: There's no numerical advantage to double-precision for most
        signal-processing functions--there's more-than-adequate
             dynamic range in a single-precision (32-bit) representation.

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