Ohhhh, I read the manual again and again, it is correct!

I withdraw my question :-)

73, Tom, DJ6TB

Am 28.03.2021 um 22:26 schrieb Tom Breyer:

Hi to all,

in the manual (https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/ZMQ_PUB_Sink) you
can read:

/"If the Source and Sink blocks are on two different computers on the
same LAN, then the IP and port number of the Sink block must be
specified on each end of that connection. For example, if the Sink is
on IP and the Source is on IP, both
Source and Sink blocks must specify the Sink IP and port

Isn't the opposite correct?
I choose the IP of the source block (of the source computer) to make
it work. Of course then you can access the source computer from more
than one sink pc.

Misinterpretation on my side or a in the description/manual?

73, Tom, DJ6TB

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