That file will generate any error unless you have the input file "dummy.dat".


   grep dummy.dat ./fm_rx.grc

which will return

   file: dummy.dat

or just open the file with GRC and replace file source with your front end hardware.

But you can run


without using the GRC.

-- CInaed

P.S. - please keep the discussion on the mailing list. Thank you.

On 3/17/21 4:37 AM, COURANT Frederique - Contractor wrote:

Hi Cinaed,

Sorry but I can’t attach my flow grap.

But for example, I have this error with fm_rx.grc available in gnuradio/gr-analog/examples.

Thanks for your help.


*De :*Discuss-gnuradio <>*De la part de* Cinaed Simson
*Envoyé :* mercredi 17 mars 2021 09:18
*À :*
*Objet :* Re: Generator error flow graph

HI Fred - how about at least 1 example GRC which demonstrates the problem?

The  GRC file is a text file which you can attach to email.

-- Cinaed

On 3/17/21 12:12 AM, COURANT Frederique - Contractor wrote:

    Hello all,

    I would like to known if someone has ever had this error when you
    want to generate python code with gnuradio :

    Generate Error: ‘catch_execptions’


    Traceback (most recent call last):

    line 710, in _/handle/_action


    line 83, in write

    for filename, data in self._build_python_code_from_template():

    line 123, in _/build/_python_code_from_template


    line 181, in get_option

    Return self.options_block.params[key].get_evaluated()

    KeyError: ‘catch_exceptions’

    The problem is present with my personal flow graph and examples
    available with gnuradio.

    I’m using UHD 4.0 and gnuradio 3.8.

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards.


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