Respected Sir , This is Narayanan studying Bachelor of engineering in ECE (3rd year) at Rajalakshmi Engineering College , Chennai , India. I am interested in doing GNU Radio's GSOC 2021 for the project title " Standardized high throughput FEC codes ". The field of communication interests me and this project idea is quite interesting . I have basic skills in C++, learnt about channel coding theorems and am not much familiar with GNU radio and gr-fec api but started learning about it now. Before the proposal submission can anyone give an idea on how to get started with these before proposal submission or what needs to be learned or done before the proposal.
Thank You Sincerely, Narayanan <> Virus-free. <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>