Nice! I especially like the use of dogs as local oscillators.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 10:29 AM Qasim Chaudhari <>

> Hi everyone
>     Hope you're doing well. Someone pointed me towards this discussion on
> the mailing list and I thought that it's a great topic to explain without
> complex numbers, phasors, orthogonality, etc. So I wrote about it for a
> true beginner.
>      Instead of focusing on a small length, my main purpose was to produce
> some beautiful figures that can help one grasp why both I and Q samples are
> required.
> Cheers,
> Qasim
> From: Kristoff <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: explaining i/q
> Hi all,
> I was watching the webinar of Heather on GNU Radio today, when it came to
> me that one of the most difficult part doing a presentation of GNU Radio
> is the data-types, .. and especially these 'complex numbers'. The
> problem, or at least for me, is that when you mention 'GNU Radio complex
> numbers', you also have to mention iq-signals, which is a topic that is
> very difficult to explain in 10 seconds to an audience who has never seen
> anything about i/q sampling before. I have been thinking on how to
> explain the concept of I/Q signalling in just a few lines, e.g. in the
> context of -say- a workshop on GR.
> I have this idea in my head:
> Statement:
> The main difference between sampling with reals ('floats') and i/q sampling
> with complex numbers, is that the latter does not only provide the
> instantaneous value (voltage) of a signal at a certain point of time, but
> also includes phase information (i.e. the slope of the signal at that
> point).
> To make this visual:
> Take half a sine-wave and plot it out for every 45 degrees.
> This gives you 5 points: 0 (0 degrees), sqrt(2)/2 (45 degrees), 1 (90 
> degrees),
> sqrt(2)/2 (135 degrees) and 0 (180 degrees). Now look at the 2nd and the
> 4th point (45 degrees and 135 degrees), if you sample this using only
> real/float values, these two points are exactly the same (sqrt(2)/2).
> Just based on these values by themselves (i.e. remove all other points
> from the graph), there is no way you can tell that at the first point (45
> degrees) the graph was going up, while at the 135-degrees point the graph
> was going down. So, ... what i/q sampling does, is for every point "x",
> it not only provide the value of the graph at that point of time, but
> also information of the slope of the graphs at that time. This also
> explains while i/q sampling is done by not just taking the value of a
> signal at point "t", but also at 1/4 period later (which is the
> information you need to determine the 'slope' of that graph at point 't')
> So, ... is this statement correct?
> If it is more-or-less correct and it can help provide a basic mental image
> of the concept of i/q sampling, I would be more then happy! :-)
> 73
> kristoff - ON1ARF

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