I have a package called libgnuradio-qtgui3.7.11, which is probably
required. You should probably also have qt itself installed. That's all
I can tell ... sorry

Am 07.12.20 um 21:28 schrieb Tellrell White:
> Sorry.
> I cant find it within gnuradio companion. No, there is no error message. I 
> just dont see any QT sink options/blocks inside of “instrumentation”. 
> However, all of the WX options are visible.
>> On Dec 7, 2020, at 3:23 PM, Fabian Schwartau <fab...@opencode.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Tellrell,
>> you should provide some more details. Where cant you find it? In GRC? Do
>> you have an error message?
>> Best regards,
>> Fabian
>>> Am 07.12.20 um 19:08 schrieb Tellrell White:
>>> Hello
>>> I cant seem to find the qt gui time sink in version 3.7.11. I downloaded 
>>> the binary version available for centos.
>>> Tellrell

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