I hope it would be possible to leave the walls undamaged and brain normally
percolating, but it appears circumstances do not allow it.

The frequency spectrum of the transmitter appeared to be suitable enough
with energy decreasing beyond +/- f/4 some 50 or 60 dB. Similarly, the
spectrum at the receiver after the filter seemed ordinary with only the 60
dB or so below peak removed. The constellation at the input of the
constellation decoder appeared to be the expected fairly sharp two points
along the x-axis. And yet, the output was obviously garbled.

Some progress has been made (see file attachments) but success is still not

Two hard lessons (etwas durch persönliche Erfahrung lernen oder entdecken,
insbesondere das, was schwierig, schmerzhaft oder unangenehm ist) of note:
1. using a Message Debug block seems to guarantee losing control of grc
where grc no longer responds to user input and a CPU spins at 100%. "Force
Quit" is the way to regain control. It is best to run ""
directly in a Terminal Session when Message Debug is enabled.
2. please observe the pair of Frequency Sinks used in the first sections of
the transmitter. I report that if this pair is replaced by a single
Frequency Sink with 2 inputs, the transmitter immediately behaves as if
there were no signal modulation! The two bit BPSK constellation collapses
into a single bit at the origin of the constellation.

One can no doubt imagine the amount of productive time lost to the issues
just described.

I can report it is easy enough to create a <header><payload> construction
for transmission but the blocks which should remove the <header> and
deliver the <payload> do not seem to  behave as expected. I have now a
flowgraph which accurately delivers <header><payload> made from scratch all
the way to the receiver output prior to any attempt to remove the <header>.

Am I supposed to use a Delay Block to time-align the <header> detection
with the data entering the Header/Payload Demux? If so, this is not shown
in any part of the GNU Radio documentation or in the grc examples in the
GNU Radio repository.

 = 1001001 =

On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 22:41:38 +0200 "Marcus Müller" <>

> Hi Chris,
> please, keep the walls intact and your brain operable.
> Hm, I've not looked too deeply into this, but:
> 2 Samples per symbol means that your bandwidth should be at least
> samplerate/2, and you've in fact got excess bandwidth. What does the
> frequency sink on transmitter side say?
> On the receiving side, you filter to samplerate/3, which is less!
> Then, this has no framing, so its impossible for the receiver to know
> whether something it received is the first bit in a byte!
> Still a bit peculiar that you're still getting valid ASCII, no doubt.
> Best regards,
> Marcus

Attachment: modem2b.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: modem2.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

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