Hail, No urgency because I have been using gnuradio 3.8 built from source and installed on the system. However, I am interested in trying out PyBOMBS. I see some notes on opensuse requiring additional consideration but PyBOMBS installed without a problem, python3-PyYAML and ruamel.yaml are installed on the system. However, an attempt to install with gnuradio-default recipe using:
prefix/gr38> pybombs -r (...)/sdr/prefix/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes prefix init (...)/sdr/prefix/gr38 -a gr38 -R gnuradio-default fails with the final messages below. Is this anything mysterious or just the need for more research on my part? Package 'python3-pyyaml' not found. Install tree: | \- gnuradio | +- libvolk | +- qt5 | +- uhd | | | \- boost | +- qwt6 | | | \- qt5 | +- boost | \- pyyaml [INFO] Phase 1 complete: All binary dependencies installed. [INFO] Phase 2: Recursively installing source packages to prefix: [INFO] Installing package: pyyaml 00254 kB / 00254 kB (100%) Configuring: (100%) [=========================================================================================] [WARNING] Configuration failed. Re-trying with higher verbosity. /bin/sh: ./configure: No such file or directory [ERROR] Configuration failed after running at least twice. [ERROR] Problem occurred while building package pyyaml: Configuration failed [ERROR] Error installing package pyyaml. Aborting. Rick