Hello Volker,

I have tried using gr-display, however I am working with GNURadio 3.8 and not 
3.9, which I am guessing is causing some difference in the way the gr-display 
sinks work. The way the text sink works in 3.8 is not ideal as it more or less 
replicates the debug box from GNURadio Companion into the GUI, which strains my 
system and causes a lot of underflow. Ideally I want to make a sink block that 
is just like the Qt GUI Number Sink block, but instead of taking in floats it 
takes in pmt's, and I want to be able to do that in python as my skills in C++ 
are lacking. This also makes it hard to try and understand the code written for 
these blocks to then try and adapt to what I want to do in python. Any help or 
suggestions regarding a python solution to creating custom Qt GUI Sink blocks 
would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


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