Hello everyone,

I have posted the final week blogpost consisting of this week's work and a *Project summary* of my GSoC project. Here is the link <https://grdpd.wordpress.com/2020/08/27/final-week-final-work-and-project-summary/>.

Final week's work highlights are as follows:

* /Synchronised/ passing of /‘taps’/ (manually commited changes from synchronisation_test branch).

* Added /Data files/ in examples folder.

* Eliminate//bug in /predistorter/ & /GMP model./

/* //Added /Static_Predistorter_iq_data_file test/ flowgraph./

* Added /RLS_iq_test flowgraph./


I express my gratitude towards the GNU Radio community for having me as a GSoC student developer and helping me throughout my journey of the project and successful conclusion of the summer project work.

*Thank you!*


Alekh Gupta


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