Hi all,
Just a small message to announce two things:
- We have started a new mailing-list "SDR Belgium".
The goal, as the name implies, it to get more people in Belgium
interested in SDR.
The list is provided by the UBA, the Belgian Amateur-radio society, but
is not limited to licensed hams.
The subscribe, just send an empty message to the following email-address:
- On Friday 4 September, we will organise the 2nd (online) "Belgian SDR
The meetup is a chance to meet other people in Belgium interested in SDR
and DSP.
The event will include a walk-through of a simple Radio application (FSK
receiver + RTTY/baudot decoder of DWD at 147.3 KHz), based on GNU Radio
and some python code.
The goal is to show to use of GNU Radio to people new to SDR
development, especially asĀ means to learn SDR and experiment with
building a SDR-based receiver.
kristoff - ON1ARF