
The call for papers for the 2020 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 
2020) is now available.
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The 2020 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2020)
December 16–18, 2020 | Virtual Conference;!!KGKeukY!maPg-9R9kDaIO9cT8ScGGB8rVCUDdagBz5YC7Odw8nJIlj59Zwde7erDI6TQtE0JYA$
The Conference
The IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) is the premiere conference on 
vehicular networks and applications. It brings together researchers, 
professionals, and practitioners to share the latest results and to brainstorm 
the next phases of exploration in the foundations, technologies, and 
applications of vehicular communication networks. The 2020 VNC will be held 
virtually between December 16-18, 2020.

Important Dates
Full/short paper submission deadline: September 18, 2020, 23:59 AOE (Anywhere 
on Earth, UTC-12)
Demo/Poster paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2020, 23:59 AOE (Anywhere 
on Earth, UTC-12)
Acceptance notification: November 6, 2020
Camera ready paper due: November 20, 2020
Presentation videos due: December 4, 2020
Conference: December 16-18, 2020

Topics of Interest

        * 5G technologies for connected vehicles
        * Emerging V2X communication technologies, including dynamic spectrum 
sharing, mmWave, massive MIMO, beamforming, and vehicular visible light 
communications (VLC)
        * Networking, transport and QoS management for vehicular networks
        * In-vehicle communication and networking systems
        * Radio for vehicular networks: channel measurements, propagation 
models, antenna design, etc

 Architecture and System Design

        * Heterogeneous vehicular networking (e.g., multi-radio, multi-channel, 
multi-application, multi-technology)
        * Architectures and system designs for connected, automated driving
        * Edge computing and cloud
        * Security, privacy, liability, and dependability of vehicular networks
        * Integration of V2C with on-board systems and networks

Tools & Methods

        * Hardware and software platforms for the simulation, emulation, 
prototyping, measurement, and/or real-world deployment of vehicular networks 
and applications
        * Field measurements and/or real-world deployments of vehicular 
networks and applications
        * Modeling, design, and analysis of vehicular networks and applications

Connected & Automated Driving and Other Applications

        * Cooperative perception and cooperative driving
        * Innovative vehicular network applications and their communication 
        * Vulnerable road user protection
        * Vehicular networks and IoT integration
        * Impact assessments of vehicular networks on transportation

Manuscript submissions
The submitted papers must be written in English and be formatted in the 
standard IEEE two-column format and with a font size no less than 10-point. The 
mandatory IEEE template in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format can be found at the 
IEEE templates page. Only Adobe PDF files will be accepted for the review 
process. All submissions must be made electronically through EDAS. Details will 
be available at the conference webpage;!!KGKeukY!maPg-9R9kDaIO9cT8ScGGB8rVCUDdagBz5YC7Odw8nJIlj59Zwde7erDI6SoHwLzjQ$

The conference will consider four categories of submissions:
        • Full papers should describe novel research contributions and are 
limited in length to eight (8) printed pages including figures, tables, and 
references. Papers exceeding 8 pages will be declined automatically and will 
not be reviewed.
        • Short papers should be more visionary in nature and may report on 
work-in-progress without fully finished results. They are meant to present 
novel perspectives, so as to foster discussions about innovative directions and 
new points of view. They are limited to at most four (4) pages including 
figures, tables, and references, but might in many cases be even shorter. 
Accepted short papers will be included in the proceedings and will be given (a 
shorter) time for oral presentation at the conference.
        • Posters are especially suited for presenting controversial research 
directions that may generate discussion, or promising ideas not yet fully 
validated through complete extensive evaluation.
        • Demonstration (demo) papers are suited for researchers to showcase 
their latest prototypes with media, models, or live demonstrations. The demo 
session will be co-located with the poster session to ensure maximum visibility 
and a close interaction with the conference audience.
Poster/demo papers should be 2-page papers following standard IEEE 2-column 
format using 10-point font. All paper submissions must be written in English. 
The title of the paper should begin with either "Poster:" or "Demo:”.

Conference Chairs
Frank Kargl, Ulm University, Germany, General Co-chair
Onur Altintas, Toyota Motor North America R&D, USA, General Co-chair
Ana Aguiar, University of Porto, Portugal, TPC Co-chair
André Weimerkirch, Lear Corporation, USA, TPC Co-chair

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