Hello community!!

I have updated my new blogpost <https://grdpd.wordpress.com/2020/06/30/week-5-signal-source-grc-block-cmd-port-addition-gain_phase_calibrate-test-flowgraphs/> for last week updates regarding the gr-dpd <https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-dpd> module on my blog <https://grdpd.wordpress.com/>.

Major week highlights are:

- Addition of 'cmd' port to the signal_source block in GNU Radio source tree.

- Updation of gain_phase_calibrate and stream_to_gmp_vector block to fix bugs and improve performance.

- Addition of gain_phase_test flowgraphs.

- Updation of copyright lines of all the code files of the gr-dpd <https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-dpd> repository.

Upcoming Week tasks are:

 * Updation of the GRC IO port labels of /gr-dpd/ blocks to improve
   their understanding and use while using in flowgraphs.
 * Addition of the functionality for runtime updation of MP and GMP
   model PA coefficients as block parameters.
 * Bug fixes in the gr-dpd to improve its performance and work on


Alekh Gupta,

NIT Hamirpur

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