Bluetooth is using fast frequency hopping spread spectrum where only
synchronized receivers are receiving the data.
There are wireshark plugins for bluetooth.
And you might want to post your question on the ubertooth mailing list
regarding gr-bluetooth. Some of the people there developed gr-bluetooth
then released a bluetooth capture device known as ubertooth - although
the original people may not still be there.
-- Cinaed
On 6/29/20 7:14 AM, Martin Spears wrote:
I have been working with gr-bluetooth and things have been working out
fine. I was wondering if there is a wireshark connector similar to the
gr-foo ZigBee/wifi case. I can see a lot of the hex data but since I
cannot format it correctly as a pcap file wireshark cannot provide me
with any further information except that of a malformed eth
Martin Spears