On 06/18/2020 03:54 PM, jean-michel.fri...@femto-st.fr wrote:
My approach:
* build your grc chart from GNU Radio Companion and generate the .py file
* edit the py file and import pygpio
* play with the RPi4 GPIO in your python script.

See attached script, with a python server included in the Python script
to control an RF switch from a GNU Octave TCP/IP client talking to the Python
TCP/IP server.

I am presenting this approach to hardware control at

If you use "Python Module" block, you can write a lot of non-GnuRadio-esque python, import anything you want, etc, etc. No editing
  of the output python required, necessarily.

JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe,
25000 Besancon, France

June 18, 2020 9:40 PM, "Da Fy" <diver86...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All, does anyone have an example of how to control GOIO lines on the RPi4 
from within a GRC
flowgraph. I’m guessing it’s an OOT module.

I need to generate a signal of a few 100Hz & control GPIO lines at various 
points though the cycle.

Alternatively, I could generate the signal & lines with external hardware & 
read them with

Tnx, Dave

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