Hi Joe - I just noticed you're running the HackRF in a virtualmachine on
a PC - which implies you're most likely having problems with the USB
drivers on Windows.
I don't know anything about Windows.
-- Cinaed
On 4/14/20 12:16 AM, Joe crossen wrote:
Hi guys,
I have a HackRF One connected to my PC, and a virtual machine running
Ubunutu 18.04. Getting the following error when running my flow graph
(Osmocom source to WX GUI Scope Sink).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mike/GNURadio/Programs/HackRF_rx_Osmocom_GUI.py", line
97, in <module>
File "/home/mike/GNURadio/Programs/HackRF_rx_Osmocom_GUI.py", line
91, in main
tb = top_block_cls()
File "/home/mike/GNURadio/Programs/HackRF_rx_Osmocom_GUI.py", line
59, in __init__
self.osmosdr_source_0 = osmosdr.source( args="numchan=" + str(1) +
" " + '' )
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osmosdr/osmosdr_swig.py", line
1170, in make
return _osmosdr_swig.source_make(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: No supported devices found (check the connection and/or
udev rules).
hackrf_info output:
hackrf_info version: unknown
libhackrf version: unknown (0.5)
Found HackRF
Index: 0
Serial number: 000000000000000057b068dc24726163
Board ID Number: 2 (HackRF One)
Firmware Version: 2018.01.1 (API:1.02)
Part ID Number: 0xa000cb3c 0x0058474c
Ubuntu 18.04
GNU Radio
sudo apt install hackrf libhackrf-dev
gr-osmocom (gr3.7 branch)
I've been googling for hours.
I followed this guide to add a udev file to |/etc/udev/rules.d|
didn't work however.
Does anyone have any ideas?