Dear Ranganathan,

the two connections to the Wireshark block are for (1) the packets that
are generated locally and (2) the packets that are received. It is the
same kind of data, i.e., the bytes that are about to be send out/the
bytes that were demodulated.

If you disconnect "rxout" from the PHY, you won't see the packets that
were received.
If you disconnect "pdu out" from the MAC, you won't see the packets that
are generated locally.

So what you describe sounds like you don't receive packets. Do you do
this over the air?


On 3/3/20 11:05 PM, sampath ranga wrote:
> Dear all,
>    I am currently working on IEEE802.15.4 protocol with GNU Radio and
> different SDR. I am using Dr. Basti's code for testing. Its successful.
> But i am having few questions to ask. I see two connections to Wireshark
> from PHY layer "rxout" pin and also from pdu out of MAC layer. When i
> disable PHY Layer wire that goes to wireshark, i am still receiving the
> packets in wireshark like usual. But if i disable pdu out to wireshark
> wire , i am not receiving the packets. pdu output pin is from app in
> from Rime. So the output going from the pdu out to wireshark is before
> modulation ?isn't it? or is the packet from pdu out to wireshark is
> after modulation and demodulation from pdu in? why is the packets still
> receiving on wireshark if i disable the wire that runs from rxout of PHY
> Layer to wireshark. Please let me know if i need to ask the question in
> more clear way. Looking forward for someone's help to clear this doubt
> Thanks and regards,
> Ranganathan Sampathkumar

Dr. Bastian Bloessl
Secure Mobile Networking Lab (SEEMOO)
TU Darmstadt, Germany
GitHub/Twitter: @bastibl

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