Hi Carlos,

> I saw mention to this error

not quite sure what you're referring to. What error?

WX not working on every platform and us not having adequate knowledge
to repair it was the reason to remove it from GNU Radio, so my
recommendation really is using Qt instead.

Also, instead of the oooold GNU Radio 3.7.11, I'd recommend you get our
release builds:

uninstall your old GNU Radio, and then run 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnuradio/gnuradio-releases
sudo apt-get update
to get GNU Radio 3.8.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2020-02-20 at 00:17 -0500, Carlos wrote:
> I saw mention to this error in 2017 in the archives and the fix was a delete 
> and install. This is running Ubuntu 18.04 with GR3.7.11-10. The weird part is 
> that WX FFT does not work and none of the frequency related QTs either. The 
> others do.
> Any idea how to fix that besides remove and re-install?
> v/r,
> Carlos

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