It's possible I suppose, but the IDE wouldn't have been my first guess,
unless it's running in some kind of debugging mode where it can't garbage
collect freed memory?  I haven't used PyCharm so can't comment specifically
on how it works.  I would try to just to run the python example script from
a run_gr.bat command line without anything else involved at all and see
what happens.  I ran the sample using VS 2015 Community (which I start
["devenv.exe"] from the run_gr.bat command line so that not only are the
python environment vars included, but all the $PATH changes as well).


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 12:40 PM Roman A Sandler <>

> Him Geof,
> I am running GR using the standard install but from PyCharm (I imported
> all the necessary environment variables from run_gr.bat into PyCharm
> myself). I installed tqdm on top of the GR python via pip. I also confirmed
> that the issue occurs even without tqdm. Could PyCharm be causing these
> problems?
> -Roman
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 7:10 PM Geof Nieboer <>
> wrote:
>> Roman,
>> I was able to run your code, and got a consistent 150-160 it/s through
>> the whole run, with about 65MB of memory in use (as reporting by Task
>> Manager).  This was on Windows 10 running GR
>> I noticed there was another package installed (tqdm) that's not part of
>> the GR install.  So I want to confirm... did you add that package to the
>> python that installed as part of GR, or are you using a different python?
>> If you are using a different python install, a possible explanation is
>> compilers; the GR packages and binaries are all built with VS 2015, but the
>> py2.7 standard is VS 2008 (which won't build GR any more), and mixing (VS)
>> compilers can cause odd issues.  So for GR, the entire python 2.7 and every
>> package is built from scratch w/ 2015.  tqdm doesn't seem to be affected, I
>> added that to the GR python install using a pip install, nothing fancy, and
>> it seems to have worked.
>> If you are, however, running the script with the GR-installed python
>> after opening with run_gr.bat, then I'm scratching my head what's happening.
>> Geof
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 12:00 PM Roman A Sandler <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Marcus,
>>> Thanks for the reply!
>>> My GNURadio version: * (Python 2.7.10)*
>>> It is the Windows version downloaded from:
>>> Complete reproducible code is below. I use the tqdm package to monitor
>>> iterations per second. On my PC, the it/sec declines very precipitously
>>> (starts at 85it/sec, then down to 22it/s after 40s and keeps dropping.
>>> Eventually as low as 1 it/sec).
>>> ```
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest
>>> from gnuradio import blocks
>>> from gnuradio import digital
>>> from gnuradio.filter import firdes
>>> from gnuradio import channels
>>> from tqdm import tqdm
>>> def decode(channel_sigs):
>>>     tb = gr.top_block()
>>>     ##################################################
>>>     # Variables
>>>     ##################################################
>>>     nfilts = 32
>>>     sps = 4
>>>     timing_loop_bw = 3 * 6.28 / 100.0  # NOTE: this controls convergence 
>>> speed!
>>>     constellation_scheme = digital.constellation_8psk().base()
>>>     rrc_taps = firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0 / float(sps), 
>>> 0.35, 11 * sps * nfilts)
>>>     #### Actual blocks
>>>     channel_src = blocks.vector_source_c(channel_sigs, False)
>>>     digital_pfb_clock_sync = digital.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(sps, 
>>> timing_loop_bw, rrc_taps, nfilts,
>>>                                                         nfilts / 2, 1.5, 1)
>>>     constellation_soft_decoder = 
>>> digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(constellation_scheme)
>>>     binary_slicer = digital.binary_slicer_fb()
>>>     blocks_char_to_float = blocks.char_to_float(1, 1)
>>>     recovered_bits_dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()
>>>     ##################################################
>>>     # Connections
>>>     ##################################################
>>>     tb.connect((channel_src, 0), (digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0))
>>>     tb.connect((digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0), (constellation_soft_decoder, 0))
>>>     tb.connect((constellation_soft_decoder, 0), (binary_slicer, 0))
>>>     tb.connect((binary_slicer, 0), (blocks_char_to_float, 0))
>>>     tb.connect((blocks_char_to_float, 0), (recovered_bits_dst, 0))
>>>     recovered_bits = np.array(
>>>     return recovered_bits
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>     n_trls = 10000
>>>     n_samples = 9999
>>>     sig = np.random.normal(size=(n_samples,)) + 1j * 
>>> np.random.normal(size=(n_samples,))
>>>     for n in tqdm(range(n_trls)):
>>>         decode(sig)
>>> ```
>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 2:11 AM Müller, Marcus (CEL) <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> huh. That looks hard to debug; also, the slow down is suspicious (as
>>>> long as there's memory available, it shouldn't take significantly
>>>> longer to get some – usually, memory fragmentation isn't *that* bad,
>>>> and this shouldn't be doing *that* much memory allocation).
>>>> Could you put all your code in one .py file (or a set of these) that
>>>> one can simply execute right away? That would allow us to reproduce.
>>>> Also, could you tell us your specific GNU Radio version (all four
>>>> digits of it?).
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Marcus
>>>> On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 16:34 -0800, Roman A Sandler wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I am using GNURadio to decode a large amount of 1024-sample complex
>>>> > vectors of different modulation schemes. Thus, I have a for loop
>>>> > which runs at each iteration and uses a vector
>>>> > sink to collect the results. The issue is that as the simulation
>>>> > keeps going, each itertion takes longer (e.g. starts of at 120it/sec,
>>>> > and then after 5000 iterations slows down to 10it/sec). I can see in
>>>> > task manager (I am on windows) that memory is increasing so clearly
>>>> > there is a memory leak where somehow the results of the iterations
>>>> > arent being deleted.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there an explicit way to delete runs or is this a bug?
>>>> >
>>>> > CODE:
>>>> >
>>>> > calling code:
>>>> > ```
>>>> > for _ in range(10000):
>>>> >     decode(sig)
>>>> > ```
>>>> >
>>>> > decode func:
>>>> > ```
>>>> > def decode(channel_sigs):
>>>> >     tb = gr.top_block()
>>>> >
>>>> >     ##################################################
>>>> >     # Variables
>>>> >     ##################################################
>>>> >     nfilts = 32
>>>> >     sps = 4
>>>> >     timing_loop_bw = 3 * 6.28 / 100.0  # NOTE: this controls
>>>> > convergence speed!
>>>> >     constellation_scheme, bps = get_constellation_scheme(scheme)
>>>> >     rrc_taps = firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0 /
>>>> > float(sps), 0.35, 11 * sps * nfilts)
>>>> >     phase_bw = 6.28 / 100.0
>>>> >     eq_gain = 0.01
>>>> >     arity = 4
>>>> >
>>>> >     #### Actual blocks
>>>> >     channel_src = blocks.vector_source_c(channel_sigs, False)
>>>> >     digital_pfb_clock_sync = digital.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(sps,
>>>> > timing_loop_bw, rrc_taps, nfilts,
>>>> >                                                         nfilts / 2,
>>>> > 1.5, 1)
>>>> >     constellation_soft_decoder =
>>>> > digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(constellation_scheme)
>>>> >     binary_slicer = digital.binary_slicer_fb()
>>>> >     blocks_char_to_float = blocks.char_to_float(1, 1)
>>>> >     recovered_bits_dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()
>>>> >
>>>> >     ##################################################
>>>> >     # Connections
>>>> >     ##################################################
>>>> >     tb.connect((channel_src, 0), (digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0))
>>>> >     tb.connect((digital_pfb_clock_sync, 0),
>>>> > (constellation_soft_decoder, 0))
>>>> >     tb.connect((constellation_soft_decoder, 0), (binary_slicer, 0))
>>>> >     tb.connect((binary_slicer, 0), (blocks_char_to_float, 0))
>>>> >     tb.connect((blocks_char_to_float, 0), (recovered_bits_dst, 0))
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >     recovered_bits = np.array(
>>>> >     return recovered_bits
>>>> > ```

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