Generally, the place to start looking for GNU Radio module is Our fantastic volunteers (hey, Nicolas and Marc and others!)
have just last week added a new column: supported GNU Radio versions. 

Sadly that column isn't overly well-populated so far – we expect that
to change soon; it's a rather easy field in the Manifest of such OOTs. 

Best regards,

On Thu, 2020-02-06 at 01:39 +0000, Luke Stutters wrote:
> Dear GNURadioers,
> I was at FOSDEM 2020 and enjoyed the talks.
> I am new to GNU Radio and I have ported a couple of OOT modules to
> GNU Radio 3.8. I found the porting tool very helpful but there are
> usually some additional Python 3 and cmake changes that are needed
> too.
> What is the best way to share this work? I could see some 3.8-related 
> pull requests for projects on Github - is there an official system to
> find 3.8-compatible versions of OOT modules?
> Many thanks,

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