Hi Christophe,

That's awesome! I'm looking forward to reviewing that PR!

On Fri, 2020-01-17 at 11:13 +0100, Christophe Seguinot wrote:
> I really want to congratulate developers for their good quality code of 
> GNURadio. Without that I wouldn't have been able to develop this eye_sink. 

I think you're making more than one developer blush here :)
> Il must be noticed that a real eye diagram would be triggered with  a 
> (recovered) symbol clock. For these reasons, triggering of noisy and/or 
> unsynchronized (receiver) signals is tricky and may lead to incorrect eye 
> pattern

Ah, that's not a bad limitation: that's what trigger-on-tag is for; you
can write a synchronizer for your specific waveform (and synchronizers
are different for different systems...) and just tag the correct point
in time.

Best regards,

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