Hopefullest of all SDR communities!

After Martin's excellent mail I felt it was time to use the opportunity
to not only look back at an exciting GNU Radio year, but also look

I'm convinced 2020 will be an excellent year in terms of progress of
FOSS software defined radio, and GNU Radio will continue to play a
leading role in that domain.
We'll see quite a bit of accelerated development that has been
unleashed since we released GNU Radio 3.8; the first sign of that is
how VOLK got a new grip on releasing.

Just like Martin, I'd like to stress how much the community is what's
really great about GNU Radio: If it weren't for the constructive forces
at work in the ecosystem as a whole, there would've been little to no
interest in improving and using GNU Radio over the years – so please
don't let that slip. We're a community built on "let's do this",
constructive criticism, a strong sense of responsibility to write
sustainable code, people wanting to contribute instead of just
profiting of FOSS...

With that: ein frohes Neues from Germany,

On Thu, 2019-12-26 at 13:16 -0800, Martin Braun wrote:
> Hi all!
> What a year! From a GNU Radio viewpoint, it was the year of the 3.8
> release, that's for sure. It was also the year of the space-themed
> GRCon
> in Huntsville, AL, the European GNU Radio Days in Besancon, France,
> the
> year we created package feeds, another year of GSoC... and so many
> other
> things.
> Many of us have some kind of holiday now, be it Christmas,
> end-of-the-year, the Congress, or something else. Maybe some of us
> find
> time to hack on GNU Radio! There's a lot of signals out there waiting
> to
> be discovered.
> I would like to thank everyone who was or is involved in GNU Radio
> for
> their support, contributions, and interest. Every line of code, every
> email answered here, helps us push the project forward, and bring
> free
> signal processing to the masses. The best thing about GNU Radio is
> certainly this community (it's not the scheduler :D ) and I really
> enjoy
> being a part of it.
> Let's see what 2020 has to offer for GNU Radio! And I hope I'll see
> many
> of you either in real life, or online for more signal processing
> hacking.
> Happy Hacking!
> -- Martin

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