
Without seeing your flowgraph, it is hard to tell what you plan to do with the vectors. In gereral, the "speed" ultimately is determined by input and/or output devices such as USB or a sound card. If you have neither one, a throttle block will limit the throughput.

As an example of a custom vector source, see https://github.com/duggabe/gr-morse-code-gen which generates vectors of dots and dashes for Morse Code. If you start at the audio output (48khz) and work backwards, you will see how the sample rates determine the desired speed in words per minute.

If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful for you to work through the https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Tutorials#Guided_Tutorials

Let us know if you have more specific questions.

Best wishes,
Barry Duggan KV4FV

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