Hi, I just installed Gnuradio (Python 2.7.10) from the website. The most simple application with gnuradio fails with
>>> Done (return code -1073741795) and no windows appears. This is how it looks: https://snipboard.io/o4ZjvA.jpg When I add a USRP block I run into the same trouble but this time with a slighly different negative return value: Executing: C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.8\gr-python27\python.exe -u X:\Prototype\gnuradio\SaveSignal.py [INFO] [UHD] Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000; UHD_3.14.1.HEAD-0-g0347a6d8 [INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence... [INFO] [X300] Connecting to niusrpriorpc at localhost:5444... [INFO] [X300] Using LVBITX bitfile C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.8\share\uhd\images\usrp_x310_fpga_HG.lvbitx... [INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock: 200 MHz [INFO] [GPS] No GPSDO found [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xF1F0D00000000000) [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1310 MB/s) [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1307 MB/s) [INFO] [0/Radio_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0x12AD100000000001) [INFO] [0/Radio_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0x12AD100000000001) [INFO] [0/DDC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xDDC0000000000000) [INFO] [0/DDC_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xDDC0000000000000) [INFO] [0/DUC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xD0C0000000000000) [INFO] [0/DUC_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xD0C0000000000000) >>> Done (return code -1073740791) I could not find any useful information about this. I know Windows is not officially supported and it is marked as "v3.8.0.0/v1.7 BETA" but I would still be happy if this can be resolved/debugged somehow. Thanks, Luke