Hi all,

I am running GNU Radio and working in GNU Radio Companion on
Ubuntu 18.04

I have a very simple flowgraph where I have a source of type complex (I've
tried both a signal source and a constant source) which I connect to a
transcendental block (of type complex) and then output to a sink of type
complex (I don't think anything after the transcendental block matters).

I have tried the transcendental block with functions "sin", "cos" and
"exp". When I execute the flowgraph, I get the error:

ValueError: itemsize mismatch: sig_source_c0:0 using 8,
transcendental0:0 using 16

The transcendental block is meant to take any cmath functions so I thought
perhaps there were different function names for the complex and float
cases? Something like "ccos" or csin" but I haven't seen any on the
list of available
functions <http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/>.

I have seen similar questions
where people are creating custom blocks and OOT modules and seeing this
problem. They have often used the wrong datatype (numpy complex 32 instead
of 64).

I am not using any custom blocks. This problem is with stock/shipped GR

Any help is appreciated!

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