How to specify the Gnuradio runtime location in the gr-osmosdr cmake
cache I mean.  There's no NOTFOUND or anything, I don't see anything
about it except the error that it isn't found.  Which comes from the
CMakeLists.txt file:

    message(FATAL_ERROR "GnuRadio Runtime required to build " ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NA

On 9/7/19, Alan Corey <> wrote:
> My initial problem with linking to gsl was because I had symlinked ld
> -> gold a month or so ago and forgotten about it.  This is the first
> time I've had a problem with it.  The makefile must feed something on
> the command line that ld accepts but gold doesn't.  Gold also works
> differently with --verbose, it has a slightly different meaning so the
> test for SEARCH_DIR bombed.  --verbose in gold expects an argument and
> I wasn't providing one.  Anyway ls is searching:
> SEARCH_DIR("=/usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/usr/local/lib")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/lib")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/usr/lib")
> SEARCH_DIR("=/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib")
> which is fine.
> But since you're using gr-osmosdr, how is the location of the gnuradio
> runtime specified in your CMakeCache.txt file?  I don't know what
> variable to set.  I'm trying to use an rtl2932 dongle so librtlsdr,
> which is found, but every cmake run so far ends with "GnuRadio Runtime
> required to build gr-osmosdr".  This is right after it checks for
> libhackrf, libairspy, libbladeRF which I don't have.
> On 9/6/19, Cinaed Simson <> wrote:
>> Hi - I have gnuradio-, gsl-2.5, and the latest git version of
>> gr-osmosdr installed under stretch (patched) on the Odroid N2.
>> No problems building. I'm sing the next to the last git version of
>> rtl-sdr with hackrf-2017.02.1.
>> Check the ./gnuradio/cmake/Modules/FindGSL.cmake - maybe cmake can't
>> find the headers?
>> I installed gsl in the same directory as gnuradio.
>> Check your pkgconfig directory for the file gsl.pc and examine it to
>> ensure the information is correct.
>> Type
>>    gsl-config --version
>> - make sure it's in your path.
>> This was my cmake command:
>> cmake -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${PREFIX}"
>> where PREFIX="/opt/gnuradio".
>> -- Cinaed
>> On 9/6/19 9:18 AM, Alan Corey wrote:
>>> It might help if I had more idea what's supposed to happen.  Was I
>>> supposed to define SEARCH_DIR?  Or replace it?  Is that 1 line or 2?
>>> Just running
>>>  ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
>>> ld: fatal error: no input files
>>> Trying as 1 line:
>>> ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012 make VERBOSE=1
>>> tr: extra operand ‘make’
>>> Try 'tr --help' for more information.
>>> ld: fatal error: no input files
>>> From the stackoverflow example, if I put "-Wl,--verbose" in my
>>> CMakeCache.txt as part of the string that gets passed to the C
>>> compiler would that do it?  If I could use a more normal -L and -l I'd
>>> be more comfortable but I'm working through the full cmake process.  I
>>> don't know how to extract what I need to try to link this manually.
>>> Yup, aarch64 on an Odroid N2:
>>> Linux odroid 4.9.177+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat May 18 09:49:10 CEST 2019
>>> aarch64 GNU/Linux
>>> Debian from meveric's image, still Stretch so far.  Some dependencies
>>> I built from source, some are from the debs if they were new enough.
>>> I disabled GR-WAVELET, FEC and GR-DTV, got it to build.  Ran
>>> volk_profile, it picked up the neon correctly.  I don't have an RF
>>> source driver so far.  Using an RTL2832 dongle, trying to build
>>> Osmocom.  There's a ton of obsolete documentation out there.
>>> Probably doesn't matter but my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
>>> /usr/local/lib:/lib:/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
>>> On 9/6/19, Vasil Velichkov <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alen,
>>>> On 06/09/2019 00.45, Alan Corey wrote:
>>>>> I think this is a low level problem, it gets through cmake and all
>>>>> that, but when it gets down to make and ld I get:
>>>>> [ 49%] Built target fft_qa_fft_shift
>>>>> [ 49%] Linking CXX shared library
>>>>> /usr/bin/ld: error: cannot find -lgsl
>>>>> /usr/bin/ld: error: cannot find -lgslcblas
>>>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>> gr-fec/lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fec.dir/build.make:824: recipe for
>>>>> target
>>>>> 'gr-fec
>>>>> /lib/' failed
>>>>> make[2]: *** [gr-fec/lib/] Error 1
>>>>> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4691: recipe for target
>>>>> 'gr-fec/lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fec
>>>>> .dir/all' failed
>>>>> make[1]: *** [gr-fec/lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fec.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>>>>> [ 52%] Built target gnuradio-filter
>>>>> Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed
>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>> Post the output of
>>>>     ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
>>>>     make VERBOSE=1
>>>>> Yet ldconfig -p | grep gsl says
>>>>> (libc6,AArch64) => /usr/local/lib/
>>>>> (libc6,AArch64) => /usr/local/lib/
>>>>> (libc6,AArch64) => /usr/local/lib/
>>>>> (libc6,AArch64) => /usr/local/lib/
>>>> The ldconfig cache is used only by the runtime linker and is not used
>>>> when
>>>> you build a program or library, e.g. not used by /usr/bin/ld.
>>>>> What's maybe odd is that ls -al | grep gsl in /usr/local/lib looks
>>>>> like
>>>>> this:
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root staff 22783350 Sep  3 21:19 libgsl.a
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root staff  1885346 Sep  3 21:19 libgslcblas.a
>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff      949 Sep  3 21:19
>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff       20 Sep  3 21:19 ->
>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff       20 Sep  3 21:19 ->
>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff  1121320 Sep  3 21:19
>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff      918 Sep  3 21:19
>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff       16 Sep  3 21:19 ->
>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff       16 Sep  3 21:19 ->
>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff 12949992 Sep  3 21:19
>>>>> Only the symlinks to the real files end up in the cache,
>>>>> ldfonfig doesn't pick up the actual files ( and
>>>>> at all.  That may not be important.
>>>> That is normal.
>>>>> Are the permissions wrong?  They installed this way.
>>>>> I installed gsl 2.6 from a tarball from, I
>>>>> fetched Gnuradio by doing git clone --recursive
>>>> From the ldconfig output it looks like you are building it on an 64bit
>>>> ARM
>>>> platform (AArch64). What device do you use and which Linux
>>>> distribution?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vasil
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> --
> -------------
> No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? -
> Cities are cages built to contain excess people and keep them from
> cluttering up nature.
> Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach

No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? - AB1JX
Cities are cages built to contain excess people and keep them from
cluttering up nature.
Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach  Impeach

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