Hi Andrew,
Have you considered using a MIMO cable to synchronize the 2 USRP-N210?

On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 3:06 AM ANDREW BRAUN <
andrewbr...@engineering.ucla.edu> wrote:

> So I'm new to using the mailing list here, so hopefully this shows up as a
> self-reply. I was able to reproduce the timing issue with better examples.
> Sending a constant symbol, I get consistent results which is usable for my
> application. However, sending a BPSK symbol results in an ugly
> constellation as can be seen in the image below (PSKExample.png)
> Is this intentional? Do I just need to do some type of DSP to figure out
> the best time to sample? I was hoping that given an external clock
> reference and external time reference and synced to a pps that this type of
> synchronization would not be an issue, and that a BPSK modulated signal
> would look something like the results for the constant symbol. (EG two
> points on just two sides of the constellation plot).
> Note that these constellations are out of phase despite being synced to
> pps, which works for my application. Is that expected?
> If this doesn't show up as a self-reply, this was meant as a reply to:
> http://lists.ettus.com/pipermail/usrp-users_lists.ettus.com/2019-September/060570.html
> Thanks,
> Andrew Braun
> Attached is my previous post in case this doesn't show up as reply (I'm
> also posting this on the GNURadio board in case this isn't a USRP related
> issue)
> For the BPSK image, I ran the PSK_Mod_Example.grc.
> For the constant_sample image, I ran the MinimumReproducibleFlowgraph.grc
> Hey everyone,
> I'm currently experiencing timing issues regarding synchronizing two USRP's.
> My current setup is the following:
> USRP 0 sends a packet with a known preamble (BPSK Modulated) to USRP1. The
> packet is formed in the following manner: <Preamble | Packet Header |
> Arbitrary Phase / Amplitude Modulation>. The preamble and packet header are
> both bpsk modulated.
> USRP 1 receives this packet, strips the preamble (using tags from a
> correlation estimator), and is left with just the arbitrary phase /
> amplitude modulation.
> My specific application is ML based, but my problem isn't. Essentially what
> I've noticed is, the received constellation of the "arbitrary" modulation I
> described above may look either noisy depending on when the USRP's start
> receiving or transmitting. Additionally, underflows and overflows will also
> desynchronize the way the constellation looks.
> So if the constellation looks "noisy" due to this issue, then an underflow
> may actually bring it back to synchronization.
> If the constellation looks great like the picture attached, then an
> underflow will bring the constellation to look bad.
> I believe this may be related to how I'm synchronizing these two USRP's.
> Right now I have the USRP blocks in GNURadio set to External Clock Source,
> External Time Source, and Synced to the same "Unknown PPS". Doing this I
> would assume the received constellation should be the same, but it isn't.
> I also thought that this may be a sample offset, but that's not the case
> either, as testing with a custom sample offsetting block did not fix the
> issue.
> Here is a picture of my flowgraph and the observed constellation
> differences. Note that the channel model / manual phase adjuster are not
> doing anything with the issue that I've seen, as bypassing them in gnuradio
> does not resolve the problem. (The observed problem is seen even on a
> constellation sink on the USRP Source).
> If anyone has any experience or knows about this, please let me know.
> P.S. I can also screen capture a video of the problem and show what's
> happening if that's easier.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Braun
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*Laura Arjona *
Washington Research Foundation Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow in

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