I second what Michael wrote, but I'd like to be more general:

GNU Radio does NOT drop samples, anywhere. SDR or audio or similar
analog/digital hardware might do that when buffers run over.

There's a long-standing, and seemingly unfixable bug in the
packet_encoder/decoder Python hier blocks that hence have been
deprecated on 3.7 for as long as I remember and have been removed, that
led to samples being dropped. If something like that happens anywhere
but in sampling hardware, there's a fundamental bug and we'd like to
know where exactly! 

Best regards,

On Mon, 2019-09-02 at 13:09 +0300, Adrian Musceac wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Thanks for the explanation, I think my flawed understading was due to
> the fact of having a file source with a throttle block, and seeing
> samples being dropped from buffers that did not match ASCII bytes lost
> at the file source but somewhere along the way. Is it correct to
> presume that in this case it is the throttle block that will be
> dropping the samples?
> Thanks,
> Adrian
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