Hello Jean Pierre:

You will have to install gr-osmosdr. If your repository does not provide 
gr-osmosdr for GNU Radio, you will have to build it by yourself 
(installing gr-osmosdr for a wrong version of GNU Radio may cause you troubles).

See  https://osmocom.org/projects/gr-osmosdr/wiki and 
https://osmocom.org/issues/3855 if you experience troubles in building and 
installing gr-osmosdr.

Kyeong Su Shin

보낸 사람: Jean Pierre Mallet <mallet...@orange.fr> 대신 Discuss-gnuradio 
보낸 날짜: 2019년 8월 14일 수요일 오후 6:17
받는 사람: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
제목: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNURadio v3.8.0.0 Blocs .xml

GNURadio v runs on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

We lost the sources! How to find Osmocom source and Osmocom Sink, as well as 
Rtlsdr source?


Thank you for the answer

Jean Pierre

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