Hello Arthur:

For the inter-process communication, maybe you can try using ZMQ sources/sinks 
(see: http://zeromq.org ). GNU Radio has dedicated blocks for that. I haven't 
used that for transferring pmt messages, but they should be able to do that.

One question, though: is it necessary to use gr-fosphor? Maybe you can just 
take FFT and take Mag^2 and then transfer that data to your C program using 
ZMQ, TCP or UDP. (I never used OpenCV, so maybe I am not understanding 
something here..)


Kyeong Su Shin

보낸 사람: Arthur Lobo <arthurl...@msn.com> 대신 Discuss-gnuradio 
보낸 날짜: 2019년 7월 18일 목요일 오전 12:23:54
받는 사람: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
제목: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC/python to C transfer of cf information, frequency 
hopping with fosphor display and changing frequency extent


I developed a block diagram in GRC consisting of a fosphor block and a UHD USRP 
source block

with a message input to change the tuning frequency from 
445M->922M->2.44G->5.785G with 3 second

persistence per band and repeat indefinitely. I actually had to work on the 
Top_block.py (renamed to RFNet.py)

script and the embedded python message block file generated by GRC to get the 
frequency hopping to work. Then I grab

the fosphor video stream and write it to a UDP port using ffmpeg. My Computer 
Vision C program then reads the fosphor

video stream from the UDP port using OpenCV and performs inferencing of signal 
classes just like DeepSig’s OmniSIG

does. I would like my C program to receive in real-time the GRC/python message 
block changed center frequencies as soon

as it is sent to the UHD USRP Source block and use that information to annotate 
detected signals with their center frequencies

and bandwidths on the fosphor waterfall. Attached is a screen capture of such 
an annotated waterfall instant but this case was

for non-frequency hopping. For the frequency-hopping case I have tried named 
pipes (FIFO) for sending the GRC/python generated

center frequencies to the C program but do not get the desired results. The 
fosphor displayed band and the center frequencies received

by the C program are not synchronized. One solution is for my C Computer Vision 
program to detect one of the numbers on the fosphor

frequency axis for each band and then the C program has instant access to the 
band being processed.  That would involve training the

Computer Vision program to recognize the numbers “445”, “922”, “2440” and 
“5785” on the frequency axis. I was wondering if there

is another way this transfer of center frequency from the GRC/python 
environment to an independently running C program

could be done. I have attached the GRC generated python scripts.

Also I am looking at 100 MHz bandwidth for the 2.4G and 5.8G bands in fosphor 
but I want to look at only 30 MHz bandwidth for the

433 MHz and 915 MHz bands in the above frequency hopping framework so I can get 
more time-frequency signal structure for my

Computer Vision program. If one looks at signals in the 433 MHz and 915 MHz 
bands with a 100 MHz bandwidth they appear as lines

and there is not much to discern between signal classes. So dynamically 
changing the frequency extent (between 100 MHz and 30 MHz)

of fosphor display by bandpass filtering and downsampling, seamlessly in the 
above four-frequency hopping scenario is what I am looking


Any advice on how I could accomplish the two above objectives would be much 
appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.

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