That might very well be the case:

20 MS/s of 32bit float complex would amount to 1.280 Gb/s writing

Best regards,

On Wed, 2019-07-17 at 10:35 +0530, SG wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been trying to capture data as well as meta data in file meta 
> sink in GNURadio. When I run my gr-ieee802.11 receiver flowgraph with no 
> file meta sink, it captures the signal transmitted by a dedicated source 
> which is always turned on. However, when i just try to capture and store 
> the data and metadata in file meta sink, it does not receive even a 
> single packet. So i was wondering if the writing process to File meta 
> sink in GNUradio is slow enough that it starts dropping packets or there 
> is some other issue.
> Could anyone point me in right direction.
> Thanks and Regards
> SG
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