 I am new to GNU radio and am following the Michael Osmond videos on 
software defined radio.
 In that series of videos he suggests downloading the Pentoo (kernel) and 
using as a live usb hdd to experiement with GNU radio and Hackone RF (his 
hardware device (which I do have))
 I am having trouble with getting my (tried on two)  computer to boot with 
the downloaded .iso  burned to usbhdd with unetbootin and since I realize 
this is not a problem
 to discuss here,  I was hoping that there would be another downloadable 
kernel containing both GNU radio (and companion along with the I believe it 
is called OOT (out of tree) material contributed by Michael Osmond.
 Does anyone know of another kernel available for download with the 
necessary material preinstalled.?
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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