Seems you didn't quite install things into a place CMake looks into by
default; quite possibly, there will be needs to tell CMake about
/usr/local/include/volk (which is what I guess is the default
installation prefix if you build from source manually).

Anyway, this wouldn't have helped you! Please don't install a random
VOLK, that doesn't work; instead, uninstall what you've installed now,

git clone --recursive 
cd /home/xroot/GNUradio2/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Due to the recursive clone, you get an in-tree copy of VOLK that matches 
exactly your GNU Radio version. 
CMake will recognize the presence of that, and then build VOLK alongside with 
GNU Radio.

Again, I've said this multiple times: going for the source build on CentOS 7 is 
not what I'd like to recommend. That's why I have the repo with an RPM package 
that I referred you to before.

Best regards,

On Tue, 2019-05-28 at 17:27 +0000, Chesir, Aaron M. wrote:
> Folks,
> I am trying to install GNUradio from source:
> I downloaded a copy of the gnuradio master repository into my local folder 
> /home/xroot/GNUradio2/,
> I created a subdirectory called "build",
> within that sub-directory, I can execute "cmake ../".
> When I execute "make", I keep getting the (attached) error about missing 
> "volk.h"
> I then installed VOLK from source (cmake, make, sudo make install), and then 
> went back to my attempt at building GNUradio:
> I went back to the "build" directory,
> I ran "make clean",
> I ran "cmake ../"
> I ran "make"
> …and I keep getting the very same error message.
> Help.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> When I execute
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