Hi Sebastian,

I must admit that I don't remember whether the TSB block base was
correctly wrapped for Python (darn it, first I write something, and
then you find a glaring counterexample); in fact, there's not a single
test case for that in the main GNU Radio tree, which probably means

Best regards,

On Tue, 2019-05-28 at 14:41 +0200, Sebastian Sahlin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm attempting to create a tagged stream block in Python using the following 
> constructor:
> class test_tagged_stream(gr.tagged_stream_block):
>     def __init__(self, test_param):
>         gr.tagged_stream_block.__init__(self,
>             name="test_tagged_stream",
>             in_sig=[numpy.complex64],
>             out_sig=[numpy.complex64],
>             length_tag_key="test_tag")
> However Python is throwing "AttributeError: No constructor defined" at me. Is 
> there some glaringly obvious error in the above code? I am using the input 
> argument list as defined at 
> https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1tagged__stream__block.html#a601cd4073e9c3e6317b5ecc5e2e5871b
> Regards
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