Hi all,

I'm trying to transmit timed, frequency-hopped bursts with a USRP X310/UBX. I 
wrote a custom python source block that reads in a IQ .bin files and then adds 
stream tags with appropriate time, packet length, and frequency data. 
Everything works has expected when I simply feed my tx_freq tune command tags 
the same frequency over and over - I can see the correct hop timing on my test 
equipment and am able to demodulate the signal from the USRP. However, when I 
try to randomly select two frequencies I see the following UHD error after only 
transmitting the first handful of hopped bursts:

thread[thread-per-block[1]: <block gr uhd usrp sink (2)>]: EnvironmentError: 
IOError: Block ctrl (CE_01_Port_40) no response packet - AssertionError: 
  in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness>::wait_for_ack(bool, double) [with 
uhd::endianness_t _endianness = (uhd::endianness_t)0u; uint64_t = long unsigned 
  at /home/lab/latestgnuradio/src/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:142

Here's a code snippet of how I'm adding the tags. I don't think there is 
anything wrong here since everything works when I give the same tx_freq 
command. I'm able to play this custom source block into a tag stream debug sink 
and see the exact tags that I expect without any issues - seems like a USRP 

            # Logic for state2 state
            elif(self.sync_flag and self.state1_flag and not self.state2_flag):
                out[i] = self.state2_iq[self.state2_sample_count]

                    # Get time for current hop, add state1_wait_time if first 
state1 burst

                    if(self.state2_count == 0):
                        self.time_count += self.state2_wait_time
                        self.time_count += self.state2_hop_time
                    self.hop_count = (self.time_count - 

                    time = pmt.cons(
                        pmt.from_double((self.time_count) % 1),
                    print("self.burst_count = " + str(self.burst_count))
                    print("state2 BURST")
                    # self.current_freq = 1800000000
                    self.current_freq = 1800000000 + 
                    print("Current frequency = " + str(self.current_freq))
                    print(" ")
                    # Frequency tune tag
                    tune_tag = gr.tag_t()
                    tune_tag.offset = self.sample_count
                    tune_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_command')
                    tune_tag.value = pmt.to_pmt({'freq': self.current_freq})
                    tune_tag.value = pmt.dict_add(tune_tag.value, 
pmt.intern('time'), time)
                    self.add_item_tag(0, tune_tag)

                    # Burst length tag
                    length_tag = gr.tag_t()
                    length_tag.offset = self.sample_count
                    length_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('packet_len')
                    length_tag.value = pmt.from_long(self.samples_per_burst)
                    self.add_item_tag(0, length_tag)

                    # Time tag
                    time_tag = gr.tag_t()
                    time_tag.offset = self.sample_count
                    time_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_time')
                    time_tag.value = pmt.make_tuple(
                    self.add_item_tag(0, time_tag)
                    self.state2_count += 1
                    self.burst_count += 1

Thanks for any help!

Attachment: frequency_hop_source.py
Description: frequency_hop_source.py

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