On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 02:06:36PM +0000, Bowen Hu wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    Thanks Marcus for giving me good advice. I implemented a demo of plugin
>    structure( https://github.com/B0WEN-HU/Plugin-demo ), which can compile
>    and execute C++ code at runtime.
>    My proposal draft has been posted here(
>    https://github.com/B0WEN-HU/GSoC-19-Proposal/blob/master/Proposal.md ).
>    Here are two questions that need to be discussed, I suppose, in this
>    proposal. They are as follows, and also included in the proposal.
>    >Users might want to specify the rules of data conversion in case that the
>    default conversion rules won't work properly. I wonder whether it is a
>    part of the job?
>    >Due to cycle-accurate Verilog simulation by Verilator, the timing of
>    input and output may vary in different module. For example, there might be
>    uncertain number of cycles before the output data is valid(However, the
>    author of the module should know about it).Or, some module would have to
>    take its time to do the calculation, and won't respond to the input data
>    for several cycles, which means if we put the data to the input port
>    during these cycles, the data would just be ignored. This information
>    should be informed by user through some mechanisms. Moreover, I noticed
>    that there are different types of blocks in GNU Radio such as decimators
>    and Interpolators, and I wonder whether it is possible to implement the
>    functions mentioned above without recompiling the block for different
>    Verilog modules.
>    I would be very grateful if you could give me some suggestions. Please do
>    let me know if there are any mistakes.

Thanks for the nice proposal! Can you please re-read the student
instructions, we want to make sure you've read *all* of them. They
contain some instructions to update your proposal accordingly.

-- M

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