Hi Aaron,

must admit, I haven't tried it.
Technically, modtool depends on very little more than Python to do its
But then again, its thing is using sane compiler environments to build
stuff (you can't use any of the Linux or Mac package managers as
sources, obviously). And while that probably works for most OOT
modules, your road will be very rocky for all the dependencies.
Other than that: XY Problem[1]! It's always best to describe what you
want to do in the bigger picture, so that experts can reply with a
well-informed recommendation based on what you need to do to achieve
your goal, rather than giving localized information to the exact
question you're asking, which in the end only sends you down a detour
or worst case a dead end, and thus only cost you time.

My guess: 
you're asking this to figure out how to easily install GNU Radio modulesand 
their dependencies, the answer really is: get a modern Linux, even in a VM.
You can literally install GNU Radio with a single command line,
and the same goes for libraries you need for some modules.
Best regards,

[1] https://xyproblem.info

On Tue, 2019-03-12 at 18:48 +0000, Chesir, Aaron M. wrote:
> Folks,
> Is there a way to install gr_modtool for Windows (10) ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Aaron
> Aaron Chesir
> The MITRE Corporation
> 200 Valley Road
> Mount Arlington, NJ 07856
> w: (973) 810-0612
> c: (908) 380-5798
> ache...@mitre.org
> “Ignorance is Bliss, but Knowledge is Power”
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