Hey Bob,

there is plenty of documentation on this topic you can check out under [1,2]. Especially, the Header Payload Demuxer (HPD) [3] should be worth a look if you are dealing with packetized variable length data.

Hope those pointer can get you started. If you have further questions after going through those pages, let me know.


[1] https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_packet_data.html
[2] https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_packet_comms.html
[3] https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1digital_1_1header__payload__demux.html

On 31.12.18 01:00, Alban Meffre wrote:
I would like to decode a simple GFSK packet

here is the packet structure :
preamble : AAh x 4
sync word : D391h
length byte : 1 byte
payload : 1 to 64 bytes
CRC : 2 bytes

TX : arduino + CC1101 module, 2GFSK, 100kbps, excursion 50kHz, carrier 433 MHz

until now i was able to demodulate the signal and add a "sync" tag using the correlate access code.

my goal is to extract the payload and send it to a file or a socket.
is there a simple way to do that without writing my own block ?

i can't go further, because i do not manage to find the info i need
i do not know where to start : stream, tagged stream, PDU, messages, etc..
i do not figure out how to use these tag for variable length. nothing clear in the doc

i'd be glad if someone helps me
best regards

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