So, it seems like no official place exists yet.
Some things are mentioned in the issues on github, but they don't contain very 
much information at the moment.

So, to summarize what I found out so far:
To get the xtrx version of gr-osmosdr running with the USB enclosure, it is 
necessary to replace "/dev/xtrx0" with "usb3380" in and
Then the dwvice can be used with the osmosdr source, when specifying the device 
as "xtrx".

For what I have not found out yet:
How to select other antennas than the first one.
In the source code, I find references to "RXL", "RXH" and "RXW", however I have 
no idea how those map to the two available receive antennas, or what exactly 
the "AUTO" option does.

I also don't know what the different gain settings do.
There seem to be "LNA", "TIA", "PGA" and "LB".
Judging from the acronyms, the probably mean something like "Low noise 
amplifier", "Transimpedance amplifier", " Programmable Gain Amplifier" and 
"Loopback". But I have not found any further documentation on what function 
each of them serves in the XTRX.

I am also worried because I have not yet managed to receive any useful signal 
at all.
The transmit side seems to be working, although it has a bug, that the 
frequency isn't set correctly unless you change it at runtime.
But I have not yet managed to receive anything, or even see a difference in 
noise level between a connected antenna and a dummy load.
This might be an error in my usage of the software (e.g. wrong gain settings), 
or it might be hardware related. One of the small cables in the case seems to 
be slightly damaged, however I would still expect some signal to pass through 

I would be happy to hear how this experience relates to that of other users.

Am 4. Dezember 2018 16:31:13 MEZ schrieb "Matthias Brändli" <>:
>Hi Markus,
>> I recently acquired an XTRX SDR from crowdsupply, and now have new
>hardware to play with.
>> However, I find myself with some lack of documentation for the new
>hardware and also cannot find a public place for discussions about this
>particular hardware.
>Same here. I tried to motivate them to create a xtrx-users
>group, but haven't gotten any news since then.
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