Ren Lie <> writes:

> Hi, I used SoapySDR that LimeSDR simulate USRP.
> uhd_find_devices and uhd_usrp_probe can find LimeSDR.
> uhd_find_devices
> uhd_usrp_probe
> If I want to use LimeSDR simulate USRP in gnuradio, what should i do
> to change in UHD source.

Source block or source code??

Nothing needs to be changed in the UHD source code. UHD already has a
mechanism to load additional hardware support from a modules directory.
(Or someplace pointed at by the UHD_MODULE_PATH environment variable.)

The SoapySDR project provides such a module via soapyuhd (packaged in
Debian unstable/testing as uhd-soapysdr), that makes all SoapySDR
devices available to applications using libuhd.

If you see your LimeSDR enumerated via uhd_find_devices and
uhd_usrp_probe, then you already have this set up correctly.

Selecting that method from gnuradio merely requires careful
specification of the "Device Address" field in the UHD USRP source and
sink blocks. Perhaps adding "type=soapy" or "driver=foo" where foo is
the driver shown by uhd_find_devices will get data flowing.

You can test narrowing the device address string from the command line
by running `uhd_find_devices --args="type=soapy,serial=00001"`
until it just finds the desired device. Then use that string in the
gnuradio companion UHD USRP block device address field.

Alas I don't have that hardware handy to test myself before giving you
this advice. But I did once get data from an rtlsdr using uhd this way.

Good luck,

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