Hi engineerpcp,

I'm not aware of any problems with that block. The most likely
explanation is that you have conflicting installations of GRC block
files. Please make sure that GRC doesn't try to load GRC blocks from a
path you have older versions of GNU Radio installed in. GRC prints the
block paths it looks into at start into its console.

It might be most time-economical to uninstall all GNU Radios you know
you've installed, and then go and look in / for any potentially
clashing GRC files, e.g. via running

find / -type f -iname 'analog_sig*.xml' | less

Best regards,

PS: I had a bit of a hard time reading your question. I think adding
more paragraphs would have helped here – line breaks do wonders at
structuring texts.

On Tue, 2018-08-21 at 15:44 +0000, engineerpcp wrote:
> Hi.  On Fedora, version 28, I always compile gnuradio from source
> while linking to the ettus uhd drivers that I also compile from
> source.  I compile from source since I eventually build my own
> modules, etc. from source.   I've been doing this method since 2014,
> but now after I compile and install gnuradio version or
>, I get some errors in gnuradio-companion.   The compile and
> install goes fine, but while using gnuradio-companion it has errors
> now.  The first error is in the analog signal generator block.  See
> reference "1." below for its block description.  The wavetform type
> in this block is marked as "red" when dragged into a gnuradio
> canvas.  I select sinewave, cosine, etc. and it still remains "red". 
> I can set all the values except for the waveform type, which is a
> drop-down menu.  I've used this block for years, and I don't see any
> errors in the compile that would say something is wrong.    The
> second similar error in gnuradio-companion is the "waterfall sink". 
> It shows the windowing type as "red" and selecting a windowing type,
> whether Blackman-Harris, Hamming, etc., still keeps the windowing
> type as "red".  Also, this is a drop down menu, which may be the
> souce of the problem.  These blocks are unusuable until the "red"
> type selected goes "black".   Has anyone had this problem?  Is it
> related to a python library?  I'm assuming both problems are related
> to a python library.  Thank you. 
> References: 
> 1.  https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1analog_1_1sig__so
> urce__c.html#details 
> 2. https://www.gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1qtgui_1_1waterfall
> __sink__c.html 
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