Hi Ali,

I went into the GRC file (in gnuradio/gr-filter/grc) and looked that
up: It calls block::declare_sample_delay


(this documentation isn't great and doesn't really say what
declare_sample_delay actually does – we should probably improve that)

The effect of that is that the block itself sees input tags shifted by
the delay, and thus, they are also propagated through the filter with
that delay.

Makes a lot of sense if you, for example, have something like

-> linear_phase_low_pass_filter
-> more_processing

and want the "more_processing", whatever that is, to see the tags the
power detector inserted at "logically" the right position, i.e. shifted
by the constant group delay of your linear phase filter.

Best regards,

On Mon, 2018-07-02 at 13:59 +0430, Ali The GREAT! wrote:
> hi all,
> I was wondering what the "Sample Delay" parameter in "Decimating FIR
> Filter" block in GRC does.
> Thanks in advance!
> regards,
> Ali
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