Hi all.
I'm starting a new project that requires a 16 ADC, I'm experienced with the 
USRP N210 and E310. But neither are suitable for my upcoming project.

A suitable RFIC will likely be the Analogue devices AD9371 chip.
The USRP N310 will use this chip, however still is not on sale.
Another option is the use a Zynq 7000 ZC706 FPGA board with ADRV9371 prototype 
Initially most of the processing would be done on a computer, so the system 
would mainly be for streaming samples to and from the PC. However, I can't find 
out if there are any GNU Radio / GRC blocks that support the AD9371, there 
seems good support for the AD9361 chip (e.g. AD-FMCOMMS3).
Does anyone know where I might be able to find out a bit more information on 

Kind regards

William Thompson Ph.D.
Senior Research Engineer
Toshiba Research Europe Limited
32 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4ND, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 117 906 0734


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