You have to add the variable in the <make>.....</make> line of the .xml file.


On 06/06/2018 09:08 AM, Sumit Kumar wrote:

I am adding additional option in a GRC block. Its Soft Frame Equalizer

As you see in the figure, the block has options for Algorithm, Frequency, Bandwidth, Log and Debug. I added my own variable "*Scaling*".

For this, first I edited in as follows :

soft_frame_equalizer::make(Equalizer_soft algo, double freq, double bw,*int scaling*, bool log, bool debug) {
    return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
        (new soft_frame_equalizer_impl(algo, freq, bw, scaling, log, debug));

soft_frame_equalizer_impl::soft_frame_equalizer_impl(Equalizer_soft algo, double freq, double bw, *int scaling*, bool log, bool debug) :
            gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, 64 * sizeof(gr_complex)),
            gr::io_signature::make2(2, 2, 48, 48 * sizeof(float))),
    d_current_symbol(0), d_log(log), d_debug(debug), d_equalizer(NULL),
    d_freq(freq), d_bw(bw), *d_scaling(scaling)*, d_frame_bytes(0), d_frame_symbols(0),

**soft_frame_equalizer_impl::set_scaling(int scaling) {**
**    d_scaling = scaling;**

And then in soft_frame_equalizer_impl.h as follows :

    soft_frame_equalizer_impl(Equalizer_soft algo, double freq, double bw, *int scaling*, bool log, bool debug);

    void set_algorithm(Equalizer_soft algo);
    void set_bandwidth(double bw);
    void set_frequency(double freq);
*void set_scaling(int scaling);


int d_scaling;
And then in soft_frame_equalizer.h from the include directory as follows :

    typedef boost::shared_ptr<soft_frame_equalizer> sptr;
    static sptr make(Equalizer_soft algo, double freq, double bw, *int scaling,*
            bool log, bool debug);
    virtual void set_algorithm(Equalizer_soft algo) = 0;
    virtual void set_bandwidth(double bw) = 0;
    virtual void set_frequency(double freq) = 0;
*virtual void set_scaling(int scaling) = 0;

*And finally in the xml file as follows : *


*It compiles well, but when I execute the program, it throws following error:

sender started
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/john/myprefix/src/gr-ieee-80211/examples/", line 569, in <module>
  File "/home/john/myprefix/src/gr-ieee-80211/examples/", line 557, in main     tb = top_block_cls(bandwidth=options.bandwidth, encoding=options.encoding, frequency=options.frequency, sensitivity=options.sensitivity)   File "/home/john/myprefix/src/gr-ieee-80211/examples/", line 282, in __init__     self.ieee802_11_soft_frame_equalizer_0 = ieee802_11.soft_frame_equalizer(ieee802_11.LS, 2.437e9, 20e6, False, False)   File "/home/john/myprefix/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ieee802_11/", line 644, in make
    return _ieee802_11_swig.soft_frame_equalizer_make(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: Required argument 'debug' (pos 6) not found

What I am missing ? Where else I need to edit ?


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